4 Warning Signs You Should Call an Electrician for Repair Services

31 March 2022
 Categories: , Blog


Electricity is one of the most important things you cannot do without. You rely on electricity to power your appliances, light your home, and charge your communication devices. Electrical malfunctions can lead to crises or cause fire or electrocution injuries. Here's where electricians come in handy. You need a reliable electrician to help you fix any suspected electrical defects within your home to restore safety. The following are warning signs you should call an electrician for help.

1. Constantly Tripping Circuit Breakers

The breaker box within your electrical system is responsible for driving power from the main supply cables into your residential outlets. If the supply becomes overloaded, the box trips, cutting off the current flow. Circuit breakers ensure safety in your home by disconnecting the power when there is a problem.

When some component becomes faulty, it could start tripping even when there's no cause. First, unplug all your appliances and call your electrician for immediate help. Failure to fix a tripping box can lead to electrocution and fire hazards.

2. Flickering Bulbs When Appliances Are Running

Have you noticed that your bulbs flicker or become dim when you plug and run appliances? It might not sound like a call for alarm until bulbs start to burn every time you plug a blender or oven into a switch.

Often, this sign shows that you have an overloaded circuit or faulty wiring connections. It is best to call an electrician to diagnose the problem and find a suitable solution.

3. Pungent Burning Odors

You might begin to notice the smell of burning plastic every time you plug in a heavy appliance like an oven. Burning smells in your home are a serious warning sign that something could be wrong with your electrical wires beneath the walls. If you touch the switch and they are hot, you might want to get that checked too. Switch off the electricity from the main switch and call the electrician to inspect the issue.

4. Electric Shocks When Handling Appliances

It doesn't have to be a significant electric shock that sends you unconscious. Anything as simple as a small static shock indicates that something is amiss. You might experience these shocks when touching plugged-in appliances or switching on the sockets. Issues like broken cords and faulty circuits can trigger electric shocks. If left unaddressed, you never know when a major shock will strike and cause severe safety or fire hazards.

If these four issues sound familiar, consider calling the electrician for professional help. The contractor will help protect your home and loved ones by avoiding electrical problems.