Three Common Residential Electrical Repairs You'll See As An Electrician

6 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog


If you are an electrician or an electrician's apprentice, it makes sense to try to be prepared for whatever jobs you might be called onto next. There is a wide range of common electrical repairs that the average household will require of you, but three of those repairs include electrical surges, malfunctioning lights, and dead circuits.

Electrical Surges

An electrical surge occurs when a large volt of electricity runs through the household wiring for a very brief period of time, usually less than a second. These surges can cause damage to household devices and can very easily start a fire. Electrical surges are a fairly common occurrence in households and properties that have faulty wiring or large, high-powered devices. These surges can be defended against with surge protectors and by unplugging devices, but occasionally, that won't be enough, and you'll be called in to identify and repair electrical circuits and devices that have been damaged.

Malfunctioning Lights

Malfunctioning lights are another all-too-common problem that the residential electrician might need to fix. Light sockets and bulbs can malfunction for a variety of reasons, ranging from worn-out-bulbs to the sockets having faulty wiring. As far as residential repairs go, you may find this particular repair to be more challenging than others with more clear-cut solutions. You'll most likely have to run through several different possible solutions and repeatedly test the bulb until you find the correct solution. It's important to note that lightbulbs and light sockets can be more dangerous than they appear, especially if you need to mess with the usually charged metal tabs inside a socket.

Dead Circuits

Finally, dead circuits are a common problem in households with faulty wiring or just old electrical foundations, but the solution is usually easy enough. Most of the time, you'll find that all you need to do in order to fix a circuit that is no longer supplying power is to find the circuit breaker and switch it on. These breakers can become switched off automatically or due to mistakes on the part of the homeowner or another electrician. The hard part is finding the breaker that matches the circuit you have. Additionally, if that's not the issue, then you most likely have a burned fuse instead.

There are many different residential electrical repairs that you'll deal with throughout your career, from when you start your apprenticeship until you retire. Luckily, the repairs are usually simple. Electrical surges can be prevented with surge breakers, and dead circuits usually involve a flipped breaker or a blown fuse. Malfunctioning lights, on the other hand, usually involve more work to determine the exact problem. Always test your solutions before leaving the residence at hand.

For more information on residential electrical repairs, reach out to other electricians.