Your Power Bill Was WHAT? Real Instances Where A Power Meter Could Have Made A Difference

23 November 2016
 Categories: , Blog


Whenever you get your power bill every month, it is still painful to open it and look at it. You might be doing everything you possibly can to cut your power expenses, but it never seems to be enough. If you still have the old school spin dial power meter, you might want to consider replacing it with a digital meter. Here are some real life experiences with astronomical power bills to encourage you to get the digital power meter replacement.

Washington State Customers See Bills Triple

Many Washington residents in early 2016 saw their power bills double, triple, and even quadruple. While the power company attributes the bills to a colder winter, concerned customers created a petition for a meter audit. The digital meters sent correct information directly to the company, while "smart meters" and traditional power meters contributed to the incorrect billings, proving that a digital meter is still your best option. Smart meters, while the technology is a good idea in theory, have regularly shown to be as inaccurate as traditional meters and/or more expensive to operate than any other type of power meter.

Texas Couple Receives $8,000 Power Bill

In 2010, a Texas woman and her live-in boyfriend received a power bill for $8,000. While this is rare, and the circumstances surrounding the incident are out of the ordinary to say the least, it definitely should not happen. The lack of charges for electricity began after a new meter (not digital) was installed to replace a much older, less accurate meter. Had she requested the installation of a digital meter. all of the proper and necessary information regarding her energy consumption would have been accurately recorded and sent to her power company directly. Then she would not have been surprised by an enormous power bill that will take her the next ten years to pay off.

Upper Michigan Man Charged $1000 for Electricity

In June of 2016, an Upper Michigan man was charged over a thousand dollars for his electricity. Since (according to him) he only uses one LED light bulb to see by at night, and occasionally watches TV, that high of a bill could not have possibly been correct. Thankfully, he was in the right, because the problem lay with the power company's bookkeeping and not with the man's power usage. The records for his power usage were accurate, so he was able to prove that he was correct and the power company rectified the situation immediately.

For more information about power meter replacement, contact companies like Double D Electric.